Top 10 Inspiring Twitter Profiles

Twitter profile of your business or brand is one of the first things consumers look at when they check your Twitter account. It can either be when they research your brand, like your tweet, or want to get in touch with your team.

According to Twitter, your profile helps your brand stand out. It gives your brand an opportunity to establish your online brand presence. This enables brands to create a lasting positive experience for their users.

Elements like header image, photos, display name, account name, bio, pinned  tweet needs to be updated frequently.

Recommend size for profile photos by Twitter is 400x400 px, header image 1500x500px. Photos need to be clear, represent you brand and should be consistent. Format can either be JPG, GIF or PNG.

Be as detailed as possible on your Twitter profile with website link, bio & opening hours. 

Now let us look at 10 companies who have used the art of clever copy-writing, creativity and storytelling to make their profile stand out.

1. Monzo

As you can see on their profile, they have made use of a good pun to explain in an easy way about what they do. They direct customers to an FAQ or ask them to directly DM on their Twitter account. Thus giving users the flexibility to get in touch with the brand through the channels they prefer.

With 122.8K followers Monzo brand stands out well in the profile image and header image giving user the clear picture about what the brand does. Providing with specific information like location and website helps customers to connect with the brand easily.


2. Calm

Calm has made the best use of the Twitter bio to tell it's customers that they are basically number 1. A clear short message which states they are an app for sleep, relaxation & meditation only makes the online audience believe in the brand.

3. TransferWise

Using simple header image with the bank card and pin machine TransferWise does a great job at communicating to it's customers about what they do. The bio states that it is company focused on moving money around the world.  Use of simple language which can be understood by all it's customers is achieved here. The location stating "Global" showcases to customers that it is global brand. They also want to drive subscription to their platform hence have used the link of "join us" in the bio.

4. Economic Times 

Economic Times with over 3.7 million followers states clearly in the first line of the bio that they are India's number 1 business news platform. They have included two links in their bio, one takes users directly to their website and other links to their Facebook page. This shows how the brand is taking into account changing behaviour patterns amongst it's user base of using Facebook as a news source. The header image clearly explains customers that this is an online news website available both on desktop and app version.

5. WeTransfer

WeTransfer talk about ideas in their bio, to be able to connect with their target audience. They promote their other social accounts like Facebook and Instagram, which is great thing to do if you want to raise awareness about your social channels across platforms. They provide an option to customers to get in touch with the brand via an email address. This is especially important since WeTransfer is an online too which is used for collaboration by millions and they might need urgent support on technical issues.

WeTransfer clearly mentions the three locations it currently operates in making it clear to the user about their geographical presence and also helping any graduates or interns looking to work for them. The link on the bio is directed to the "About Us" page rather than just the home page.

Amazon have used a header image which most of us can relate to.  They clearly mention in the bio of it being an official Twitter account and direct users to other Twitter accounts for customer support and latest news. This approach will help brands distinguish from general enquiries, feedback and customer support tickets. Having a dedicated news Twitter account gives the freedom back to users if they wish to follow that channel or not.

7. Homebase

Clear on brand header image, with mention about restricted hours and limited delivery service in the bio.  They have setup a dedicated Twitter account to manage customer queries. The link on the bio takes users directly to the store information which is crucial for all it's customers in the current situation.

8.  Pret

Promoting their new coffee subscription offers on their header image helps Pret to increase engagement for their subscription offers. They mention that their product is available in the shops and also for delivery. With a clean, creative and minimal look this twitter profile provides all the key information to it's customers.

9. Fortnum & Mason

Showcasing the legacy of your brand on your bio helps online customers connect with your brand.  They have created dedicated brand hashtags which have been mentioned on their Twitter profile. 

Everything about this profile screams legacy, brand, quality & exceptional experiences. 

10. Oatly

Explaining the what and why of your brand helps customers to relate with your brand. It humanises your brand and enables you to tell your story to your customers. Oatly has just done that in the bio by explaining what they do & why they do it. 

Few keys points to always remember to include in your Twitter Profile:

  • If you have a brand account, mention about retweet not being brand endorsements
  • Showcase your legacy either in your bio or your header profile image so that customers can see you have been around for x years and can trust your products
  • Explaining the what, why & how of your brand is important on your Twitter profile. Telling the customers in simple language about what your company does and why it does it, helps you gain an engaged online community.
  • Promote your latest offers, promos and products on the header image & bio
  • Direct users to specific pages on your website either a promotional page, store timing, about us or blogs. Make use of this link to pages you want to drive more traffic.
  • Mention and create brand hashtags on your Twitter profile which your online community can use and share stories.
  • Mention store opening hours, delivery times or any other operational changes you think your customers should be made aware about.
  • Use the customer reviews, rating and rankings on your bio to showcase you are a leader within your sector. Mention about awards, nominations, accrediations  will attract customers to your profile and also act as a validation checker.
  • Promote your other social channels like Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram LinkedIn, groups and websites on your Twitter profile. It will help you connect with your audiences across platforms.
  • Make use of the header image creatively to showcase your products/services using smart design and content to help customers get the information they need with minimum clicks
  • If you are a B2C company it will help to have a dedicated Twiiter  handle to manage your customer support enquiries. This will help you keep all user feedback/complaints on a dedicated channel and you can make sure you answer them all within the agreed time frames.
  • You can also collect all the questions you receive on your customer support handle and convert it into an FAQ document and host it on your website and link it to your Twitter bio.
  • Mentioning the exact geographical locations your brand is present in, helps customers and also graduates and professionals who want to work with you.
  • Keep your customers in mind when you create a bio. Give them options like referring to a FAQ website link, dedicated customer service email, customer support twitter handle or DM. Giving users multiple options to connect with your brand signifies the importance that you care about them and want to provide exceptional social customer service.

I hope you found this blog inspirational and helpful. Please do share your feedback, ideas and suggestion in the comments section below. If you have enjoyed reading this blog, please do share it with your community too.


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